Teacher Support » Newly Hired Teacher Support

Newly Hired Teacher Support

Welcome to El Rancho Unified School District! 
As a newly hired teacher, El Rancho School District offers a Peer Teacher Support program for the first contract year of your employment within the district.  Once hired, you (the newly hired teacher) will be contacted by our Teacher Support Coordinator, Heather Redding, who will schedule a time to meet with each newly hired teacher for an initial meeting for "advice and assistance" to discuss your new teaching assignment for the school year. 
After this initial meeting, Heather Redding will work with your school site administrator to match you up with a mentor teacher who will provide you with professional support throughout the school year.  Once matched with a mentor, you will work collaboratively on a weekly basis as well as meet monthly with a larger newly hired Peer Teacher Support group for the opportunity to collaborate and support each other throughout the school year. 
One of the main purposes that the district provides this support to our newly hired teachers is to help teachers with their challenging assignments to set each teacher (individually) up for success in the areas of professional growth and student achievement.  
If you are a newly hired teacher that would like to contact Heather Redding sooner rather than later then see the contact information below:
Heather Redding
562-801-7349 office
562-334-2661 mobile