California State Standards
Common Core State Standards
(English Language Arts and Mathematics)
- What are the Common Core Standards?
- What should students know and be able to do at each grade level? (ELA)
- What should students know and be able to do at each grade level? (Math)
How do the Common Core State Standards help students learn what they need to know to get to graduation and beyond?
NGSS for California Public Schools
Standards Arranged by Disciplinary Core Ideas (Kinder - 5th Grade)
- Kindergarten by Disciplinary Core Ideas(PDF)
- Grade 1 by Diciplinary Core Ideas(PDF)
- Grade 2 by Disciplinary Core Ideas(PDF)
- Grade 3 by Disciplinary Core Ideas(PDF)
- Grade 4 by Disciplinary Core Ideas(PDF)
- Grade 5 by Disciplinary Core Ideas(PDF)
Integrated Model Standards Arranged by Disciplinary Core Ideas (6th - 8th Grade)
- Grade 6 by Disciplinary Core Ideas(PDF)
- Grade 7 by Disciplinary Core Ideas(PDF)
- Grade 8 by Disciplinary Core Ideas(PDF)