Facilities » Completed Projects

Completed Projects

Middle School Locker Room Projects


Middle School Locker Rooms were modernized to create indoor learning areas for coaching and rainy-day activities. Work included new lockers, plumbing, finishes, LCD monitors, and HVAC. Funded by Measure ER.


North Park Academy of the Arts Music Building
A new, one-story classroom building dedicated to the instruction of musical arts was completed at North Park Academy of the Arts. The facility houses a world-class music studio and features much-needed storage for instruments, uniforms, and sheet music. The building also includes a parent workroom for the many student support activities provided by the campus' parents. Funded by Measure A & EE.
North Park Band Room


Valencia Academy of the Arts & Sciences Traffic Mitigation
A traffic improvement project was completed at Valencia Academy of Arts and Sciences as a solution for traffic issues that were a safety hazard for students, pedestrians, and vehicles. Improvements completed include an enhanced drop-off and pick up locations, revised circulation, and additional parking. Funded by Measure EE.  
Valencia Drive-thru Lot


Verkada Access Control Systems
As part of the District’s plan for providing safe, secure campuses and workplaces, installation of Verkada Access Control at all school sites and district offices is complete.
Verkada System
Intercom Clocks and Bells Systems
Intercom clocks and bells systems is functioning in every classroom and office districtwide. 
Clocks and bells

Outdoor Intercoms

Outdoor Intercom systems are almost entirely installed and are being tested. 

Outdoor intercom